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Frontend Web Developer


Sumatera Utara, Indonesia


  • Phone+6282267175875


I'm a person who loves to learn and create things. That why currently now i learn programming and make great apps.


Familiar with:

  • React.js and Next.js
  • TypeScript and JavaScript
  • Tailwind CSS
  • Firebase and Supabase

for building web applications.


  • SMK Swasta Markus 2, Medan

    Vocational High School, Computer network Engineering

    2014 - 2017


Frontend Developer


PT Sinergi Rajawali Mataram, Feb 2023 - Present

  • Collaborating with a team of developers to build dashboards that display various data using interactive charts.
  • Using Git for version control and collaborating with the team using Agile methodologies.
  • Translating designs from Figma into responsive React components using Next.js with, Material UI and AntDesign.

Printing Supervisor


PT Reycom Document Solusi, Aug 2021 - Present

Personal Projects

Worship App

Live App|Repository

A web-based application designed to enhance the worship experience for church by providing an easy way to display lyrics during services.

Key features:
  • No installation needed, allowing users to easily switch devices.
  • Import and export functionality for creating and sharing playlists.
  • Built-in search functionality for quickly finding lyrics in the database.

Tech stack: React.js with TypeScript, Tailwind CSS, and Supabase.

My Notes

Live App|Repository

A web-based notes app that is designed to be responsive on all devices and enables users to easily create and organize notes from multiple devices.

Tech used:
  • React.js with Typescript
  • Tailwind CSS for styling
  • Jotai for state management
  • Firebase for database and authentication
